一、何謂中介變項?(mediator),它與干涉變項(moderator)又有何不同?(Baron & Kenny, 1986)
中介變項是指獨立於自變項(Iv)與依變項(Dv)外的第三個變項,透過它能夠使iv 能夠影響dv(例如自尊?)。而干涉變項則是指獨立於自、依變項外的第三個變項,它造成iv 區分成不同的小組,個小組間對於dv具有最大的影響效果(例如目標取向理論中的能力知覺)。原文:the mediator function of a third variable, which represents the generative mechanism through which the focal independent variable is able to influence the dependent variable of interest. The moderator function of third variables which partitions a focal independent variable into subgroups that establish its domains of maximal effectiveness in regard to a given dependent variable.
a) 自變項必需能預測中介變項;b)自變項必需能預測依變項;c)中介變項必能預測依變項;最後d)當控制中介變項後,自變項預測依變項的程度必需降低(less),若是d 的解釋變異量(R2)有降低則視為中介效果的指標,顯著與否則為完全或部份中介的依據。(Holmbeck, 1997; Judd & Kenny, 1991; James & Brett, 1984; Baron et al., 1986)
以多元迴歸(multiple regression)進行三次的分析,首先中介變項為結果變項(SPSS對話框中/dependent),自變項為預測變項(independent) 進行第一個分析(結果必需達到顯著水準;(spss/analyze—regression—linear—enter)
最後,以自變項和依變項為預測變項,依變項為結果變項,進行第三個分析(用同時進入法;simultaneous entry,(Baron et al., 1986);若是此時控制中介變項後自變項對依變項的解釋變較原先沒有控制中介變項(即第二個分析)為低,則表示其具有中介效果;除此之外若是顯著水準由原先的達到顯著變為未顯著,則表示完全中介的效果。Reference List
Baron, R. M. & Kenny, D. A. (1986). The moderator-mediator variable distinction in social psychological research: Conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51, 1173-1182.
Holmbeck, G. N. (1997). Toward terminological, conceptual, and statistical clarity in the study of mediators and moderator: Examples from the child-clinical and pediatric psychology literatures. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 65, 599-610.
James, L. R. & Brett, J. M. (1984). Mediators, moderators, and tests for mediation. Journal of Applied Psychology, 69, 307-321.